Regardless of sorrily missing Longview, the sets by both Self Storage Recordings signed By Night with Spear and long time friends Dead Leaf Echo were spectacular. BNWS's first show in some months had a couple minor rocky moments, but when they hit their stride, were really impressive, and I can't wait to follow their career as I'm sure they will only get better and better. Manchester baselines, Brit sounds, fronted by Anaben's haunting and etherial voice (think Asobi Seksu, but less pop, more substance) and a solid set of songs ranging from punkesque to tempered ballads made for a great live introduction to their band to me and can't wait to see them again. Their CD's are in the works too, and I must say they will be really gorgeous.
Once Dead Leaf Echo took the stage, to Santo's Party House's credit, the lights were pretty awesome as they launched fiercely into a gorgeous set, with my personal favorites being Act of Truth, which will be on their new album Truth coming out April 4th (I've got my promo copy, and a) its beautiful b) its really great, should be in Deluxa once its released and c) you can listen to the track on their myspace here) and a new live version of Pale Fire that completely bowled me over. I'd heard Act of Truth before, but something about at that show, they completely nailed it and might be my favorite song of theirs to date.

Overall, DLE always has really tight shows, great songs, fantastic players, and hey, I'll just go out there and say it--they are all gorgeous, which never hurts when you are watching a show. Anyhow, they've never let me down when I've come out to see them, and their show at Santos was high up there.

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